CALL: (925) 798-6700

Showroom Address

3440 Vincent Rd Suite H
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523


Mon-Thur 7AM - 5PM, Friday 7AM - 4PM, Saturday by appt.

Velux Skylights


VELUX, the world leader in skylights and roof windows, puts to excellent use our most abundant natural resource – light from above – by developing, manufacturing and marketing environmentally friendly products that provide and control daylight and fresh air in buildings, and products that heat water with solar energy.

High quality, energy efficient skylights are an important part of building today’s green friendly homes and buildings. The effect that natural light has on you physically, emotionally and psychologically is well documented. The benefits of natural light can have a profound impact on you personally, while the stewardship of VELUX will positively affect our environment for future generations.